Amyot, Jacques, 1920-'s books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Ayuthaya Project, First Phase Termination Report1968
2.Central Plain Basic Research Program: Ayutthaya Project, Second Phase Progress Report1968
3.Assistance by International Agencies1970
4.The Manila Chinese : familism in the Philippine environment1973
5.The Chinese and the national integration in Southeast Asia1972
6.Communication of Research Results1970
7.Small Industrial Enterprise Supportive Institutions : A Preliminary Assessment1981
8.Leadership Characteristics in Rural Areas of the Northeast, from Sociology of the Northeast Villages = ลักษณะผู้นำในชนบทภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ1968
9.The structure of employment of the rural population of the central region of Thailand1994
10.Village Ayutthaya : social and economic conditions of a rural population in central Thailand1976
11.Chinese in Thailand1964
12.Co-ordination of Research Programmes1970
13.Asian Studies As an Asian Discipline, from Seminar on "Asian Studies and Directions of Institute of Asian Studies"1984
14.Intensive Village Study in the Northeast of Thailand - Part Two: Community Development Implementation in the Village of Ban Nonlan = การศึกษาสภาพหมู่บ้านในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนืออย่างใกล้ชิดระยะยาว ตอนที่ 2 การดำเนินงานพัฒนาชุมชนในหมู่บ้านโนนลาน อำเภออุทุมพรพิไสย จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ1964
15.Training for Research1970
16.The Problems of Thai Universities in Engaging in Social Science Research1970
17.Sponsorship of Research by Government1970
18.Utilisation of Research in Planning and Action Progrmmes1970
19.Ban Nonlan : Intensive Village Study Project, April-May, 1964, Summary Report (December 20, 1964)1964
20.Social and economic aspects of dryer use for paddy and other agricultural produce in Thailand1983
21.Changing patterns of social structure in Thailand, 1851-1965 : an annotated bibliography with comments1965
22.I remember Chula : memoirs of four decades of involvement in a Thai university (1962-2002)2003
23.Inter-Institutional and Inter-Disciplinary Activities, Including the Role of Overseas Institutions1970
24.The Chinese and National Integration in Southeast Asia, from VIIIth Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 19681968
25.Northern Region Industrial Service Institute : Evaluation and Planning Perspectives1981